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Latest News

  • Well done to our handball team who competed in the Tyrone Allianz Cuman na Mbunscol 1 Wall handball today.
  • P2 have been looking at the art work of Claude Monet. We decided to do our own twist of his water lilies painting!
  • P1 & P2 enjoyed Play Based Learning outdoors today. We just love outdoor learning in the Foundation Stage!!!!Here's hoping the good weather is here to stay
  • P3 & P4 pupils just loved getting back to after schools club. Such a lovely evening to welcome back our after school club. Let's hope the sunshine is here to stay☺️
  • Our captains give a big thumbs up to our new school hall
  • Pupils presented Cathal O'Neill with the grand sum of £140 following the pix n mix tuck shop fundraiser.
  • Primary 7 pupils were busy painting Spring pictures on the front windows today.
  • With the steel frame now in place our new hall is definitely beginning to take shape.
  • The children finished up for the Easter holidays with a special pick n mix day in school.
  • Today we finished our study of Lough Neagh in P6 with our digital media iMovie project.
  • P2 had a fun filled day between making mini egg nest buns and creating their Easter cards!
Showing 1332-1342 of 1403
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