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Latest News

  • We came as strangers... We leave as friends!
  • P3 had a fantastic trip to Cookstown Leisure Centre. They started off in the Leisure Pool followed by fun in "The Play Shack".
  • The long wait is over and the winners of the P2 Fidget Spinner competition have been presented with their very own Fidget Spinner to paint using their winning design. Well done both our winners
  • The Primary Four and Five children had a fantastic time on their end of year trip today.
  • The pupils all were ready to finally complete the infamous Sports Week Obstacle Course and as always the competition was fierce.
  • Primary 7 pupils had their final assembly today in Kingsisland Primary School.
  • Primary 2 had so much fun today completing our final Sports Week games!
  • What a super day the Primary 6 and 7 pupils had today on their end of year school trip.
  • Today we welcomed our new Primary 1 pupils, who will be commencing school in September, to our Induction morning.
  • Our new hall is progressing nicely. The bricklayers have built both external and internal walls.
Showing 1299-1309 of 1403
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