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Latest News

  • Primary 1 are having a wonderful time learning about ‘Living Things’ in the World Around Us. We visited our P.2 friends who shared their knowledge and expertise about the lifecycle of a frog
  • Primary 1 and 2 took advantage of our outdoor play areas around our school and participated in Play-Based Learning
  • Today in Primary 5 we upcycled some toilet roll tubes, to make our own cute creatures, as part of our Literacy topic on procedural writing.
  • The P7 children have explored many topics during their time in school, most recently looking at the Irish Famine. This term, having spent plenty of time on iPads and Writing,
  • This week, Primary 1 loved reminiscing about the Easter holidays and sharing exciting news with all of their friends. Lots of stories and plenty of fun had by everyone!
  • Take a look at some of our eggcellent
  • We finally got the chance to hold our First whole school assembly of this academic year outside today. And what an assembly it turned out to be!
  • Belgium
  • We never imagined anything could top yesterday's P3/4 "in school" football competition. How wrong we were. Today's competition will live long in the memory of every girl and boy.
  • We had great fun baking Easter Nests Buns as part of our
  • What a tournament we had today among the P3 and P4 pupils. Following a series of group fixtures it was clear with the standard of football skills on show
Showing 628-638 of 1403
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