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Latest News

  • Primary 3 learned how to make and decorate Gingerbread Men
  • The second of our class videos to be screened is Miss Donnelly’s P2 class.
  • Christmas party time
  • Thank you to Mrs McToal and Mrs Lowe
  • It's been a busy week with lots of certificates awarded today
  • Another week, and another set of certificate winners for reading on Bug Club!
  • Unfortunately we could not put on our annual Christmas concert this year as each class remains in their class bubble
  • There was great excitement today as we picked out the winners of the Christmas Raffle. Many thanks to everyone who bought a ticket and especially to our very generous sponsors;
  • The Christmas
  • The Christmas jumpers were out today as we headed off to the Panto, the online version of course
  • Primary Four finished off an action packed and fun filled day by making their own edible Christmas Trees
Showing 683-693 of 1403
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