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Latest News

  • P4 made the most of the dry weather today when they went outside for their weekly PE session.
  • This week in PDMU, the Primary 2 pupils listened to the story Shine by Sarah Asuquo
  • It is a great privilege for everyone in Kingsisland to be asked to lead this years Anti-bullying Week campaign.
  • Primary Four enjoyed their practical Maths lesson learning about perimeter.
  • In November, we remember our family and friends who are no longer with us
  • Congratulations to all of these children
  • A super well done to this week's Merit Award winners
  • Well done to all our Silver Mathletic Award winners this week.
  • We had some very keen gardeners at break time today.
  • Well done
  • Primary 1 didn’t let the cold, crisp weather hold them back this morning when they participated in a variety of PE activities.
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