Latest News
- Today primary 5 rounded off Maths week with a STEM paper airplane challenge to tie in with our Flight topic in World Around Us.
- Career choices stem from childhood experiences! Today our Primary 3 class had the pleasure of sharing local Architect Eunan’s skills and Architectural experiences.
- P1 are getting into the spooky spirit as well as becoming familiar with parts of our body.
- A great start to Maths week today in Primary 6
- Primary 1 are embracing Shape & Spave this week to celebrate Maths Week!
- Primary 5 kicked off maths week with a 2D and 3D shape hunt around the school. Great fun in the sun!
- A brilliant day out for Primary 6 today as they set off for the Moy to take part in Tyrone Gaa Go Games
- Primary 5 were delighted to welcome Firefighter Gerard for a fire safety talk this morning. This was extremely informative and useful, especially as we approach Halloween.
- It was great to see the P2's & P3's out on the 3G today in the Autumn sunshine, showcasing their GAA skills.
- In what were perfect conditions, primary 5 began their flight investigations today. We’ve been learning all about flight in nature, focusing on seed dispersal.
- Kingsisland pupils had lots to celebrate this week after making it to 11th place in the world and 2nd place in the UK for their Mathletics !
Latest School calendar Events
- Afterschool Girls Football20Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ 3G Pitch
Miss Mc Caffrey & Mrs K Coney
- Swimming21Jan2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm @ Dunngannon Leisure centre
Miss Burke & Miss Mc Caffrey
- P4 & P5 Arts and crafts22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Art Room
Miss B Donnelly & Miss S Donnelly
- P4 & P5 Basketball22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Basketball courts
Mr Lyons
- P6 & P7 Homework Club22Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Hall
Miss Mc Caffrey & Miss Hughes
- P4, P5, P6 & P7 Singing and drama23Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ Hall
Miss Maxwell
- P6 & P7 Boys GAA Football23Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ 3G Pitch
Mr Mc Garrity
- Afterschool Girls Football27Jan2025
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm @ 3G Pitch
Miss Mc Caffrey & Mrs K Coney