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Latest News

  • The boys and girls were delighted to get up close with a 5 Tonne Hitachi digger today in school. The digger was supplied by Campbell Civils Campbell Civils to help extend our play area.
  • Alan from Annaginny Farm & Fishery visited Kingsisland today with a tortoise, bunny rabbit and bearded dragon, much to the delight of our pupils!
  • What a glorious day for a kick about! Primary 4 and 5 afterschool soccer were delighted to see the sun make an appearance today.
  • Led by our Eco Council members today, Primary 5 and 6 took full advantage of the glorious weather to plant out our fruit and vegetables.
  • What wonderful way to start the week!
  • Mrs O'Hagan led the whole school in song this morning at assembly, singing Our Lady of Knock in dedication to Our Mother Mary in this the special month of May.
  • Some photos of P1 taking their learning outdoors this week. Making the most of this gorgeous weather.
  • Primary 5 were delighted to welcome Love For Life in today for a wonderfully interactive and informative presentation on Internet safety and awareness.
  • Some members of our Eco Council took full advantage of the good weather today as they got out into the greenhouse and began planting from seed many different types flowering plants
  • Today Primary 3 visited the Grotto beside school and discussed the importance of Mary.
  • P1 just loved meeting Gearóid and his friend Mickey Monkey today. We learnt how to greet someone as Gaeilge as well as having lots of fun
Showing 45-55 of 1403
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